141810Z OCT 21
UNCLAS//N01401// ALCGPSC 109/21 SUBJ: PY22 ACTIVE DUTY CWO APPOINTMENT BOARD TIMELINES A. PY22 Schedule of Officer Personnel Boards and Panels, PSCNOTE 1401 B. Active Duty CWO Appointment Guide C. Appointing Warrant Officers, COMDTINST M1420.1(series) D. ACN 078/21 Update to Enlisted Marine Inspector Training Program (EMITP) Manual and Appointing Warrant Officers Manual E. Enlisted Accessions, Evaluations, and Advancements, COMDTINST M1000.2(series) F. Coast Guard Weight and Body Fat Standards Program Manual, COMDTINST M1020.8(series) G. Performance, Training, and Education Manual, COMDTINST M1500.10(series) 1. This message announces the schedule and requirements for the PY22 CWO Appointment Board. Per REF (A), the CWO Appointment Board will convene on 4 April 2022. Members will only be allowed to compete for one specialty. It is imperative that candidates read this entire message thoroughly, use the above references to assist with application requirements, and meet all specified deadlines. 2. REF (B) was created by CG PSC to provide guidance and outline procedures on the CWO appointment process. Applicants, units, and servicing personnel offices (SPOs) should use this guide and its checklists to ensure eligibility requirements are met and Direct Access functions (i.e., My Panel Submission, etc.) are submitted correctly and on time. REF (B) is available at the following link: https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/units/psc/psc-opm/1/SitePages/CWO%20Appointment.aspx 3. Per REF (C), the following is the normal path for all enlisted ratings to CWO specialties: ENLISTED RATING CWO SPECIALTY AET/AMT Aviation Engineering (AVI) AST Aviation Engineering (AVI) Marine Safety Specialist Deck (MSSD) (See Notes) BM Boatswain (BOSN) Marine Safety Specialist Deck (MSSD) (See Notes) Marine Safety Specialist Response (MSSR) CS Finance and Supply (F&S) DC Material Maintenance (MAT) Marine Safety Specialist Engineering (MSSE) (See Notes) Marine Safety Specialist Response (MSSR) DV Diver (DIV) EM Marine Safety Specialist Engineering (MSSE) (See Notes) Naval Engineering (ENG) ET Electronics (ELC) GM Weapons (WEPS) HS Medical Administration (MED) IS Intelligence Systems Specialist (ISS) IT Information Systems Mgmt (ISM) IV Criminal Investigator (INV) (See Notes) ME Maritime Law Enforcement Specialist (MLES) MK Naval Engineering (ENG) Marine Safety Specialist Engineering (MSSE) (See Notes) Marine Safety Specialist Response (MSSR) MST Marine Safety Specialist Deck (MSSD) (See Notes) Marine Safety Specialist Response (MSSR) OS Operations Systems Specialist (OSS) PA Public Information (INF) SK Finance and Supply (F&S) YN Personnel Administration (PERS) (Notes): Special agents applying to the INV specialty shall follow the eligibility requirements outlined in Article 3.H.6 of REF (C) and meet deadlines published below. Applicants for the MSSD and MSSE specialties are encouraged to review recent policy changes outlined in REF (D). 4. General Eligibility: Members must be on active duty to apply. Title 10 and SELRES members are not eligible to apply. All members must meet the minimum eligibility requirements outlined in Article 3.E of REF (C), and Commanding Officers shall confirm compliance with these requirements before positively endorsing an applicant for this highly competitive program. These requirements will not be waived. In addition to meeting all minimum eligibility requirements, it is imperative that members and commands are familiar with and adhere to the following policies: a. Maximum Active Service: Members cannot have more than 26 years of active duty service as of 1 JUN 2023. b. High Year Tenure (HYT) and Senior Enlisted Continuation Board (SECB): Members whose mandatory separation date will have occurred prior to the effective date of the Final Eligibility List (1 JUN 2023) are not eligible to apply. c. Weight and Body Fat Compliant: Members on weight and body fat probation, in accordance with REF (F), are ineligible to apply. d. Previously Found Not Fully-Qualified: Applicants to the PY20 and PY21 CWO Appointment board found not fully-qualified by the Appointment Board are not eligible to apply in accordance with Article 3.E.11 of REF (C). Waivers will not be considered. 5. Exceptions: Color perception and hearing requirements are outlined in Article 3.H.1. and 3.H.6.d. of REF (C). Waivers will not be considered; however, the following three exceptions do apply with respect to color perception: a. IT or OS enlisted personnel without normal color vision who were previously grandfathered into their respective ratings or were selected from other ratings by a panel to lateral to IT or OS. b. MK enlisted personnel who entered the MK rating, whether MK A-school or striker program, prior to 1 OCT 2001. 6. After reviewing and ensuring compliance with all of the eligibility requirements outlined in Article 3.E of REF (C), applicants shall: a. All applicants: Submit a “My Panel Submission” via Direct Access to their Commanding Officer to obtain a positive or negative recommendation as outlined in paragraph 7. b. Prior service or eligible reserve applicants: Pay particular attention to the time in grade (TIG) listed on the Personnel Data Extract (PDE) and profile letter. Direct Access cannot distinguish between active duty time and reserve time, leading it to overstate all TIG for members with reserve time. Only active duty time may be counted towards TIG, which may require manual calculation and adjustment for some members. If you think your TIG needs to be adjusted, notify your SPO to complete a statement of creditable service (SOCS). c. BOSN and ENG applicants: The CWO appointment PDE only lists whether the applicant is sea duty qualified or not. The calculated sea time has been removed from the CWO PDE. The sea time used to determine eligibility does not include creditable sea time while TDY, sea time at TACLET, LEDETS, etc, and surfmen (CXNSJ, CXNSK or CXNSM) who have completed 12 months as certified surfman in a designated surfman billet. This time will have to be manually calculated to ensure applicants' eligibility for these specific specialties. Applicants who believe their sea time eligibility is incorrect and needs to be adjusted should notify their SPO and inform the CG PSC (opm-1) POCs listed in paragraph 14. Sea time does not affect pre-board score. Sea time is solely used to establish eligibility to compete for BOSN and ENG chief warrant officer specialties. 7. The Commanding Officer's recommendation is the most important step in the CWO appointment process, as the recommendation assists the Service in affirming the candidate's mental, moral, physical, and professional qualifications for appointment to chief warrant officer. The Commanding Officer's recommendation shall take into consideration the totality of the applicant's career, not just the time observed while assigned to his or her unit. Only the Commanding Officer's endorsement is authorized. An Officer-in-Charge shall forward the “My Panel Submission” up the chain of command for appropriate command approval. The Commanding Officer shall: a. Ensure the applicant's compliance with all eligibility requirements outlined in Article 3.E of REF (C). b. Review the applicant's unit and/or SPO personnel data record. c. Review Article 3.I.3.d of REF (C) to ensure members' suitability for appointment, including past performance and historical documentation while assigned to other units. Potentially disqualifying behavior includes, but is not limited to, non-adherence to Core Values, substance and/or alcohol abuse, misconduct (civil and military), domestic violence, financial irresponsibility, sexual harassment or discrimination, or other related disciplinary issues. d. Positively or negatively recommend the applicant for appointment to chief warrant officer via endorsement of their application. Recommendations are only viewed by OPM to ensure compliance with the eligibility requirements and are not viewed by the board, therefore lengthy recommendations are not required nor desired. Positive recommendations shall simply state 'Member meets eligibility requirements,' and negative recommendations should state 'Member does not meet eligibility requirements.' Commands are required to either recommend or not recommend all requested endorsements. Blank endorsements will be sent back to applicant requesting an endorsement. 8. Deadlines: a. 7 DEC 2021: Submission deadline for “My Panel Submission” application and command endorsement in Direct Access. Step by step application instructions are provided in paragraph 4 of REF (B) for applicants and in paragraph 6 of REF (B) for command endorsements. b. 7 JAN 2022: Command ensures Enlisted Employee Review (EER) up to date in Direct Access per Article 4.C.1.b. of REF (E). c. 11 JAN 2022: Applicants log on to Direct Access and view/validate their PDE. (Note): To access PDE: From the main DA screen, under the Employee pagelet, click ‘View’ then ‘Warrant PDE’. Members unable to view their PDE may not have submitted their application properly and should immediately notify their Commanding Officer, SPO, and PSC-OPM-1 so that prompt corrective action can be taken to ensure consideration in the cycle. For any needed corrections, review paragraph 8 of REF (B). d. 25 JAN 2022: Deadline for PDE corrections and waiver requests. e. 31 JAN 2022: Members can log into Direct Access and view their profile letter. (Note): To view profile letter: From the main DA screen, under ‘Employee’, click ‘View’ then ‘Warrant Profile Letter’. The pre- board score is a live number and will continually change as candidate information is changed or corrected. The score used for the pre-board eligibility list will be finalized on 29 JAN 2021. f. 8 FEB 2022: PSC will publish the pre-board eligibility list via ALCGPSC. This list consists of those applicants whose pre- board scores as of the 25 JAN 2022 deadline qualify them as primary or alternate candidates. g. 2 MAR 2022: Recommendation Files (OERs) and Resumes due to CG PSC (opm-1) for all primary and alternate candidates as published in the pre-board eligibility list. Candidates shall strictly follow the procedures outlined in REF (B) and Articles 5.B and 5.C of REF (C) for preparation and distribution of these core documents, including appropriate formatting and content. Candidates shall scan and email Recommendation Files to CG PSC (opm-1) via HQS-SMB-CGPSC-OPM-1-BOARDS global e-mail address. h. 4 APR 2022: CWO Appointment Board convenes. 9. In order to maintain fairness to all candidates in this highly competitive process, there will be no exceptions or waivers of the published deadlines listed above, except for extenuating circumstances listed below in paragraph 10 and with prior approval. Applicants seeking this unique opportunity to join the commissioned officer corps bear the responsibility for completing this process, as well as working closely with their commands and SPOs to identify and correct any errors before submitting final packages. 10. Afloat commands with limited or no access to Direct Access who are unable to comply with any of the above listed requirements or deadlines should notify the CG PSC (opm-1) POC prior to deadlines to work out an alternate solution. 11. The subject line of any email relating to the 2022 CWO Appointment Board shall read “PY22 ACTIVE DUTY CWO APPOINTMENT BOARD”. 12. The content of personnel records is the responsibility of the member. Candidates should review paragraph 11 of REF (B) for Officer Military Record (OMPF)guidance. Direct Access and the OMPF are two different systems and may not match. The contents of Direct Access do not contain actual imaged documents, such as award citations and college transcripts. It is extremely important that candidates ensure the imaged content of the OMPF is correct and up-to-date. Procedures for obtaining a copy of an official record can be found at: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our- Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG- 1/Personnel-Service-Center-PSC/BOPS/PSC-BOPS-C/PSC-BOPS-C-MR/. 13. Members who have education, training, professional certifications and licenses, and other information are encouraged to complete a CG-4082 in accordance with REF (G). The CG-4082 form must include a commanding officer's signature to be entered into your OMPF. Completed CG-4082 forms should be submitted to CG PSC (BOPS-C-Military Records) according to instructions on the link in paragraph 12. 14. CG PSC (opm-1) POCs: CWO Michele Natale and CDR David Ratner. Preferred method of communication is email to: [email protected] and [email protected]. 15. Released by: RDML S. N. Gilreath, Commander, Personnel Service Center. The Service Center for Our Most Important Resource – Our People. 16. Internet release is authorized.
1 Comment
Daniel Rebkovich
11/1/2021 18:41:29
You have done it made this so hard to navigate that we cannot find any of the things we looked for all these years.
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AuthorThe views expressed in the articles in this publication are solely those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the organizations for which they work, CWOAUSCG, the U.S. Coast Guard, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, or the U.S. government. Archives
January 2025