Any warrant officer or former warrant officer who holds warrant or commissioned status in the Coast Guard (active duty, reserve or retired), is eligible for membership in the Association.
Members of the Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers Association, United States Coast Guard, in good standing. CWOA By-Laws Article II Section 2.a.
The Association is ever mindful that some of our number have distinguished themselves through untiring efforts and devotion to the precepts stated in the Preamble to the Constitution of this Association and thereby have made significant contributions to the goals of the Association. It recognizes, too, that this challenge for distinguished service will be taken up by others who will follow. Therefore, in recognition of such distinguished leadership, the Association may confer upon any qualified member in good standing, the honor and title of Distinguished Member. See CWOA By-Laws Article II Section 2.b for additional information on Distinguished Membership.
Any retired member who does not desire to participate in Association benefits but desires to receive the monthly Newsletter may resign from the Association and request to become a Limited Member. Such members will have neither voice nor vote in Association affairs, nor be eligible for any other Association benefits. See CWOA By-Laws Article II Section 2.c.
Honorary membership may be bestowed upon any person who is not eligible and who has never been eligible for membership in the CWOA. To be eligible for honorary membership, the nominee must have contributed directly to the betterment of the Association, its membership, or the Coast Guard Warrant corps by his or her actions. See CWOA By-Laws Article II Section 2.d for additional Honorary Membership nomination information.
The spouse of any regular or distinguished member of the Association may become an associate member of the Association upon his or her participation in any insurance plan in which the Association may be participating, now or in the future, and in which plan participation of the member’s spouse has been previously agreed upon by the Association. A widow or widower of a regular or distinguished member may retain associate membership for insurance purposes only, if so authorized by agreement between the Insurer and the Association. CWOA By-Laws Article II Section 2.e.
Life Members
Any Regular member may purchase a Life membership, which entitles the Member to life membership in the Association with no further annual dues required.